
Friday, June 24, 2011


SUMMER SALE!! FROM NOW TIL JULY 31st!! ***Time to clean out the studio to make room for moOore ART. When this sale is over, these items will go back to its regularly listed prices. These are all original paintings or drawings, not prints, so I hope you get the one you want Now, before it gets awaaaay....

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Fresh From The Studio

Haven't posted anything in a while.. but I wanted to show you two of my newest paintings Fresh from the Studio. The first one is "Father's Love" and the other is "Blessing!"

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Friday, October 15, 2010

Selling Your Art Online: a Guide to Artist Websites, Online Galleries and Stores, and Auction Sites

As a self-represented artist selling my work online for almost four years, I have been exploring the idea of launching a new website that best suits my creative needs.  Upon tons of googling research, I came across this great blog post that I'd like to share, it is called, "Selling Your Art Online: a Guide to Artist Websites, Online Galleries and Stores, and Auction Sites" by the "Moderator" on ArtGroupsDFW.

In the guide, there are five easy to read sections packed full of helpful tips, valuable information and resourceful links: 1. Artist websites (blogs, photo galleries, and personal websites) 2. Online art galleries (collective) 3. Online stores 4. Auction and classified ad sites 5. Helpful guides and resources

After reading it myself, I think I may have NOW found the perfect host for my new website and even a few more good venues to add my artwork to!  So, in my opinion, I give  "Selling Your Art Online: a Guide to Artist Websites, Online Galleries and Stores, and Auction Sites" two thumbs up!! And I recommend it to other artists who are just trying to get your work out there or if you're a seasoned professional looking to increase your web exposure... this may certainly be the guide that get's you moving in the right direction.

Good Luck!

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Portrait of an artist. Morphing various paintings of Pablo Picasso.